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Nadia Akingbule

gal-dem horoscopes: Chaos is a vehicle for closure this Sagittarius season

This Sagittarius season confrontation reigns over the comfort of avoidance.

02 Dec 2021

What does it mean when your heart lies somewhere else? When you cannot be at peace with the ground beneath you? Sagittarius season is here, and confrontation reigns over the comfort of shying away from what we’ve been given the option to avoid.

When you can feel yourself blazing forward on the back of an arrow, it’s implied that there’s a target in the distance – a truth-seeking to be attained, and thirst yearning to be satiated. This Sagittarius season is about finding that target. Wield a machete to clear away any obstacle in your jungle path and don’t settle for something simply because it “works”. This month is all about striving to attain untold knowledge, no matter how far away from home it takes you. 

A cosmic commotion erupts around us in these final moments of the Gregorian year. And as we move through the chatty solar exuberance that the fiery Centaur Sagittarius brings, we’re constantly being asked to beg the simple (but expansive) question of why we do the things we do. Being lost in thought while simultaneously wanting to constantly exert agency over our lives is the new norm. The beginning of December marks eclipse season’s closing acts, too. Finally, the areas of our skies that are most influenced by Gemini and Sagittarius’s energies can catch a break in the coming year, but not without interrogation over this next month!

A Venus retrograde cycle begins on 19 December in stern pragmatist Capricorn, inviting confrontations of romantic nostalgia along with a shift in our value systems. Impulses will be tested, and our sense of responsibility in romantic and platonic partnerships is ready to be turned upside down. Luckily, Jupiter’s move into Pisces on 29 December is a glimmer of optimism that shines in the distance and anchors us to our dreams for 2022.

Buckle in, because December really does not hold a single dull moment for us.

With all of this in mind, here are my thoughts for each of the 12 signs this December:

Aries & Aries Rising

How far away feels too far, Aries? Sagittarius season is testing the limits of where you’re willing to roam right now.

December has you challenging the notion that your place in the world is static. Who you are, at your core, will always maintain; there’s no need for you to prove that to others when you know it to be true. Through embracing this idea and asserting confidence that wherever you go you carry home within you, your potential for transformation becomes more readily accessible. On 4 December, the total solar eclipse in Sagittarius brings a fresh beginning to this notion; loosening the idea that you’re stuck within the systems where you’ve rooted yourself. Expect to be pushed out of your comfort zone in surprising ways, and don’t resist the ways you’re called to be self-critical! When action-planet Mars moves into Sagittarius later in the month on 13 December, you’ll finally feel able to put motion behind the realisations from the Sagittarius solar eclipse. It’s likely that travelling somewhere far removed from your quotidian life sits on your future horizon…

The next big moment in your sky arrives on 19 December when the full moon in Gemini illuminates endings and hard truths about your local sphere and friendships. This lunation is bright and boisterous; stimulating what helps you say goodbye to the connections that aren’t helping you learn more about yourself and be your best ‘you’. Saturn’s influence with this moon is helping you stay logical with the tough decisions brought on by its cosmic energy. On the same day, Venus goes retrograde in earth sign Capricorn, plunging you into a period of evaluating past values and responsibilities you’ve since moved on from. Expect some exes to surface along the way, creating a clearer picture about what your new perspectives are as they interact with you on the basis of your old tendencies. Be sure to avoid making any big changes to your appearance until February when this transit winds down. Finally, your month rounds off on 29 December when Jupiter, the planet of hope and expansion, moves into one of its cosiest signs – Pisces! Here, Jupiter brings blessings to your spirit and psychic abilities. It’s a transit that gives you a perfect dose of positivity towards resolving past mistakes so that moving into 2022, your future is unshrouded by shadows from your history.

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

What does it take for you to embrace your reality shifting around you, Taurus? It’s alright to change your mind, despite the pressure you feel to perform the pillars of your identity to an audience.

Your month begins with the total solar eclipse in Sagittarius, rounding off an ethically-driven eclipse cycle on the Sagittarius/Gemini axis. This cycle has been causing long-term transformation in the way you allow people to merge paths with you, and the type of materials that you value having to supplement your relationship to spirit/the occult. Under this final eclipse on 4 December, a surprising new beginning poses itself. Look out for chances to deepen your current romantic bonds, or even take the next step towards altering your own path around theirs! Trust that you won’t lose sight of who you are along the way. Answers will become clearer when active Mars moves into Sagittarius on 13 December and drives home the points that were previously made by the eclipse beyond any shadow of a doubt.

Energies shift once again on 19 December as the full moon in Gemini illuminates the zone of your sky that rules material value and finances. This lunation has a disciplinary vibe to it; encouraging you to see your material world from new perspectives that focus on pragmatism and generate stability in your life. Be sure to release any toxic spending patterns that have developed in the last six months, and consider what types of abundance you’d like to manifest. That same day, Venus, the planet of values and aesthetics, begins to retrograde through fellow earth sign Capricorn; beckoning in nostalgia about faraway places you’ve travelled to, and the people you met there. Be wary of exes popping up from the eras of life you’re reliving; set strong boundaries both physically and digitally. Finally, your month rounds off with Jupiter moving into the dreamy water sign Pisces, where it’s able to bring hopeful blessings to your zone of friendship and community. As love grows between you and the people you call your community, put forward care and generosity for the people you surround yourself with.

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

What do you see in others that you seek to generate within yourself? Sagittarius season is here to remind you of what your standards are in relationships; both for yourself and your partner(s)!

Your sense of independence is something you express in strange ways, Gemini. You’re a chatty, exuberant being, but you still need your alone time for reflection amongst your constant internal dialogue. The solar eclipse in Sagittarius on 4 December bears messages surrounding where you draw the line with folks. Just because you’re a social chameleon doesn’t mean you should be settling for bonds that don’t feel fulfilled in love and platonic partnerships. Expect surprising shifts in your relationship to love and intimacy to barrel through the door like an unannounced visit from an aunty. On 13 December, Mars makes its move into fiery Sagittarius as well; generating some solid solutions to the questions eclipse season posed. 

On 19 December, the narrative of your sky shifts to focusing on all things related to you in your unique charm and construction of selfhood. This day brings a full moon in your sign which feels like the close to a chapter you’ve been waiting for. Leave behind inhibitions about expressing who you are, and trust that you in your purest form is loveable and worth showing to the universe regardless of hegemonic standards. Avoid self-criticality that isn’t productive towards aligning yourself with love for who you are. That same day, Venus begins its retrograde phase through earth sign Capricorn and brings up some revisions in need of making in your zone of shared finances and ancestral lineage. Let this period that lasts through January help you reconnect with ancestors and redraw contracts that bind you to partners/family. You can expect a call from an ex or two during this time, too. Finally, your month rounds off with expansive Jupiter moving into the dreamy water sign Pisces, bringing optimism and blessings into the zone of your sky that rules public life and career adventures. Watch your reputation change for the better as you begin the new calendar year!

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

The thought patterns you run through on a daily basis aren’t what they used to be, Cancer. Where does concern lie most for you now?

Your month begins by begging for a redefinition to your mundane, quotidian world. So much of this has to do with the way you synthesise the world around you and construct a narrative around the mechanics of your life. You’re searching for meaning in every action you make, and some repetitive motions just don’t hold the same charm they once did. As the solar eclipse in fire sign Sagittarius brings a burst of energy through this zone of your sky on 4 December, surprising new priorities present themself in an undeniable way. Reflect on what guidance your ethos has provided you within this past year of life, then consider what’s altered your outlook. Keep in mind that this is an eclipse you’re likely to feel in your body, too. Don’t overdo it when it comes to exercise and physical activity, even when you feel compelled to kinetic outbursts. Just over a week later on 13 December, the energetic planet Mars moves into Sagittarius and hammers home your drive to commit to the changes brought on by the solar eclipse.

Energies pick back up on 19 December when the moon and Venus bring powerful change to your spiritual self, and the way you interact in your intimate relationships. On this day, the full moon in Gemini awakens a new phase of your spirituality; inviting you to embrace your shadow self, while releasing inhibition that the truest parts of your being won’t be seen and valued by others. Your darknesses are beautiful, dear water sign. Let this lunation help you remember this. Seek solitude or the presence of trusted kin on this day. A few hours later, Venus begins its retrograde cycle through steadfast earth sign Capricorn. Here, Venus invites you to revisit past relationship dynamics and analyse the way’s you’ve moved forward on a different path. Be wary of the feelings of your current partner(s) at this time; what makes sense to you might not to them. When exes call and past flings surface, what boundaries will you be asserting? Finally, your year rounds off with a lush cosmic moment. Jupiter, a planet of abundance and expansion, makes its move into dreamy Pisces where it’s able to bestow blessings of optimism to your plans for future travel and matters of higher education. 

Leo & Leo Rising

What has you excited about life, Leo? Renewal finds your sky in chaotic but exciting ways this Sagittarius season.

Your month begins with the solar eclipse in Sagittarius flipping the script on your creative practice and love life. Sexy escapades and new ideas in the studio have arrived, whether you’re ready for them or not. The more you lean into this playful, hedonistic energy, the more likely you’ll be to start the new year with the motivation you need to pull yourself out of the stickiness that found you during Scorpio season. Remember that eclipses strike by surprise and can cause a bit of extra drama in your external world.  Minimise this by knowing when to take a moment of pause and not get too swept up in these unhinged adventures December brings. On 13 December, Mars moves into fiery Sagittarius as well; putting actions behind words that made sense during the eclipse. Let that lustful bond turn into a dinner date or a collaboration on something that feels explorative! Turn that stroke of brilliance into a new project to start in 2022.

19 December brings a cosmic switch up that’s just as social as the first bit of your month, yet serious in its nature. On this day, the Gemini full moon illuminates your zone of community and shared hopes/dreams! This marks a manifesting moment where you have the potential to turn common beliefs in your friendship circles into a real collective activity with a political underpinning. Celebrate being surrounded by like-minded people, and see where the potential of your group can go. On the same day, Venus begins to retrograde through earthy Capricorn and pulls you into an evaluation of your daily routine and health-related habits. It’s time to check in with your body, and think about treating it in ways that are sustainable for your general welfare. No more pushing yourself to the limits just because you can! Avoid aesthetic changes to your appearances until this cycle ends at the end of January. Finally, your month rounds off with expansive Jupiter bringing blessings to the zone of your sky that ties you fiscally to others, and deepens your bond with close friends and partners. Bask in the feeling of security it’s set to bring.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Who do you trust with your inner world, Virgo? Figuring out who is there for you through tough times is a tedious but necessary part of expanding your chosen family.

Your month kicks off with the total solar eclipse in Sagittarius bringing unexpected happenings to your zone of ancestral connection and familial bonds. When this happens on 4 December, these shifts are set to pave a new path in how you relate to the people you keep closest; the ones who have watched you evolve over long periods of time. Infused with Sagittarius energy, there is a strong emphasis on considering the boundaries you put in place between yourself and others under this eclipse. Are you betraying yourself in order to keep the glue of a family unit together? Things can only bend so far before they break. Be honest but caring about how you express yourself in these bonds around this time. On 13 December, energetic planet Mars moves into fiery Sagittarius and reinforces the actions you needed to let this new dynamic with your chosen and ascribed families flourish.

Cosmic patterns begin to change on 19 December when both the full moon in Gemini occurs, and Venus retrograde begins! This lunation brings with it a reset moment for your career and outward projection of self. This moment is perfect for showing the world who you are now and shattering past conceptions of what you once were perceived to be. Be bold in your social media presence and words that have the potential to travel far through your networks. Simultaneously, Venus retrograde in Capricorn begins in your zone of creativity and passionate projects. Now is the perfect time to go inward and put in real work on your artistic dreams, and the lustful bonds you’re amidst with lovers. Revisit old ideas, and entertain messages from past flings (so long as they weren’t toxic) to get insight into what your potential is. Finally, your month rounds off on 29 December with expansive Jupiter moving into your zone of romantic partnerships and platonic relationships. Expect blessings to occur in this zone of your life; just be sure you’re telling the universe what direction you want your heart to be taken.

Libra & Libra Rising 

Connecting with people from different walks of life is a skill you’re constantly honing, Libra. What have you learned about this talent of yours recently?

Your month begins with the total solar eclipse in Sagittarius on 4 December generating revelations in your friendships, and the way you communicate. As the inquisitive air sign that you are, it’s not hard to endlessly enquire after someone’s complexities. However, this eclipse pushes you to insert yourself into a conversation beyond being an affirming voice and warm smile. Surprise yourself with how boldly you state your opinions and ideas under this cosmic event. The outcomes are bound to come with new dynamics forming between you and your local sphere. Then, when Mars moves into fiery Sagittarius on 13 December, the new habits and ideas that struck your sky during the eclipse can finally start to take form in your everyday life.

Cosmic energies shift on 19 December when the full moon in Gemini shines its light over the zone of your sky that rules cross-cultural travel and expands the types of knowledge you use to guide your value systems. This is the perfect moment to look beyond your local sphere and see the potential that lies for you in untapped realms. Expect messages from people in the corners of your networks you’d nearly forgotten about to float into your inbox, too. On this same day, Venus begins its retrograde cycle through earth sign Capricorn and calls you to tend to events happening in your inner world of home and family. Retrogrades are a time for revisiting and revision, so remember to address whatever patterns keep coming up for you in this area of life. Finally, your year rounds off with hopeful Jupiter moving into the gentle water sign Pisces, where it brings blessings to matters of your physical health and daily routines.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising 

While money fluctuates within late capitalism’s ever-changing economic landscape, what fiscal ethos do you ground yourself in, Scorpio? Where you place value is undergoing a change.

Your month begins with eclipse season making one last stand before this cycle of lunar activity draws to a close. On 4 December, the total solar eclipse in Sagittarius brings a burst of energy into your zone of material resources and work-related endeavours. Whatever events occur as a result of this unpredictable lunation, expect them to push your ethical fibre to new limits. What happens when you have to choose between different types of abundance in life? As much as you’ll feel pushed into some hasty decisions, remember that you can always sit with a proposal and turn it over in your mind a few times. On 13 December, active Mars moves into Sagittarius as well, aiding in the actions you’re taking in order to address the difficult facts the Sag solar eclipse made you confront.

Cosmic tides shift on 19 December as the full moon in Gemini and a Venus retrograde cycle begins within hours of each other. This lunation pulls at ancestral cords and brings some of the long term bonds that have been holding you back to a close. Look towards what was happening around the Gemini new moon in June for guidance as to what (and who) to look out for. Just a few hours later, Venus begins to retrograde in Capricorn through your zone of local learning and friendships. Spend some time visiting places in your community that you’ve somehow become too busy to pay homage to, and give space for past friends to resurface in ways that don’t violate your boundaries. Finally, your month rounds off with expansive Jupiter moving into fellow water sign Pisces where it’s able to bring blessings into your zone of creative expression and passionate connections with lovers! Spend the last days of the year exploring the depths of your sexual desires.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Your season is finally here, Sagittarius. What does your newfound place in the world feel like?

This next year of life is marked by an intense “death and rebirth” moment brought on by the current eclipse season. On 4 December, the total solar eclipse in your sign ushers in change and surprises to the zone of your sky that rules your construction of selfhood, and your physical body. It’s okay to look in the mirror and not recognise who that person is compared to this time last year! It’s an intense time where you’re asked tough questions that cause confrontations about who you are at your core, and the way you want to navigate this world. On 13 December, active Mars moves into Sagittarius as well, firing up your self-confidence to embrace the unique aspects of your body and mind that became even more apparent under the energy of the eclipse. Your timeline is unique, and eclipse season reminds you that this will always be true.

The full moon in Gemini on 19 December closes out a cycle in your relationship patterns that haven’t served the feelings of consistency and dependability you crave in your partnerships. This social restructuring might cause some sore spots to emerge in your social world but ultimately functions in the interest of you having space for emotionally fulfilling connections with people in your intimate sphere. On this same day, Venus begins to retrograde in Capricorn through your zone of financial ties, and how you place value in the material world. Expect old obsessions and trends to emerge in your life both aesthetically and in terms of your spending. Keep a close eye on your wallet when shopping for yourself and others during this time! Overspending is the enemy. Finally, your month rounds off with expansive Jupiter moving into your zone of home and close ancestral ties. This is a blessing that brings harmony into your inner world. Enjoy the soft pleasures of cosy comforts you’re set to receive! 

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising 

Do you dare unearth the past, Capricorn? In your search for wisdom, only looking forward isn’t the best place to find the knowledge you seek.

This month you’re asked to wade through the darker side of some past experiences before emerging renewed for your season. On 4 December, the total solar eclipse in Sagittarius stirs up some supernatural events in your sky that make the shapes of difficult past moments. Now is your chance to grab them before they slip away, and reconcile with the truth of what they meant. How did they impact you? Are you ready to truly move on with the lessons you learned embedded into your artillery of experience? The closure is yours for the taking, you just have to go and get it. 13 December brings action planet Mars’s movement into fiery Sagittarius as well, activating your need for further spiritual cleansing and confronting what lurks below the surface of your mind.

On 19 December, the final chapter of a story relating to your body and daily routines is written and cemented into your history. This is when both the Gemini full moon and Venus retrograde in your sign occurs! The full moon begs you to leave behind habits that you’re in need of moving on from, while the beginning of this Venus retrograde cycle invites a period of pensive revision with how you relate to your body. Don’t go too drastic with the shifts in your appearance, just acquaint yourself with the new pace you’re taking in your body. Focus on talking to yourself with the same generosity you would a new lover. Finally, your year rounds off with expansive Jupiter moving into water sign Pisces; blessing you with a newfound ability to communicate from a place of care and sensitivity.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

What are you orienting your dreams around, Aquarius? It’s time for self-imposed limitations on what you wish to achieve to fall away.

December brings some major reckonings with your wider network of friends, and how they play a role in the goals you’re working towards. As you begin to notice that not everyone you expected to back you is sitting in your corner, how do you handle this facet of rejection? The total solar eclipse in Sagittarius on 4 December brings this building social intensity to a head and carries with it an element of surprise that you couldn’t possibly have seen coming. Remember that love and support from your day one’s is irreplaceable, and not everyone is meant to stick around for the long run. 13 December marks energetic planet Mars’s move into fiery Sagittarius as well, helping you to set some finite boundaries and solutions to help move forward in the new structures of your friendship circles.

When 19 December comes around, a more exuberant vibe finds your sky under the light of the Gemini full moon. This lunation activates new creativity and sexually explorative energy for you to tap into; helping you harness your best and most innovative ideas in iterations that you previously hadn’t considered letting them take shape. Lean into whatever you feel compelled to create on this day. Just a few hours later, Venus begins to retrograde through Capricorn, where you’re pulled into the shadows of spiritual reevaluation. Revamp your altars, and check-in with ancestors around this time. The past is ready to resurface for you from every angle. Finally, your year rounds off with blessings from Jupiter’s move into gentle Pisces. With this hopeful energy finding your zone of material abundance, get ready for good fiscal news to hit your inbox!

Pisces & Pisces Rising 

Are you comfortable in the ways you’re seen in your public-facing life, Pisces? Sagittarius season is here to help you find the confidence to weather any social storm.

Being visible can be scary; especially when the opinions of others crash around you in a cacophonous way. To judge and be judged is something that your water sign soul is sensitive to! On 4 December, the total solar eclipse in fiery Sagittarius lights up the top of your sky and brings in surprising changes to your outward persona. Expect a shift to occur in your sense of responsibility to the audience who embraces you, too. With the bold influence of this fire sign, changes in your demeanour are likely to veer towards a more honest version of how you feel on the inside. Mars then moves into Sagittarius’s flames as well on 13 December and reinforces these eclipse lessons; helping you to maintain this newfound energy.

19 December marks a major cosmic shift in your sky. This day brings the full moon in sociable Gemini blazing into your zone of familial bonds and home comforts. It’s a lunation that centres your ability to see the potential of your inner world and wants you to speak as openly as possible about the future of what you want your own family to look like. This transcends hegemonic iterations of the home, of course. Keep in mind exactly what “home” means to you in order to align with what manifestations feel right. Just a few hours later, Venus retrograde in Capricorn begins and activates your zone of community connections and shared dreams. Get ready for your inbox to flood with folks from your past, and political comrades who are ready to reconnect! Stay resolute in what your beliefs are now. Finally, your year rounds off with expansive Jupiter moving into your sign – a major blessing! Let this transit wash confidence and luck into all things that have your name on them.