An award winning media company committed to sharing the perspectives of people of colour from marginalised genders

Nadia Akingbule

gal-dem horoscopes: Are you dreaming big enough this Pisces season?

With our skies clear of retrogrades, this season is time to think about goals and desires.

01 Mar 2022

Pisces season is here. Welcome to a space where your sense of time melts away because it was never real in the first place. Perhaps it’s been replaced with the nudge of your circadian rhythms drawing you back to bed, or long rabbit holes of listening to your favourite album on repeat? This is a soft, artistic time of year, despite the rapidness and intensity with which our lives are flowing at the moment; a time where processing our emotions can take unconventional forms, and our collective intuition is heightened.

With the skies clear from retrogrades, which sink us back into slowness and introspection, we’re being propelled forward at full speed towards our dreams and goals, as well as the outcomes and consequences of our actions. The portrait of our lives we want to paint is getting clearer, which can feel liberating and exciting, but also carries with it a hyper awareness of what’s missing.

“The portrait of our lives we want to paint is getting clearer, which can feel liberating and exciting, but also carries with it a hyper awareness of what’s missing”

And so this isn’t a sugar coated process, despite what we’ve been built to expect from Jupiter’s blessings this time of year. It’s about confrontation, decision-making, and exploring what’s not working in order to get to where we know we deserve to be; something that a Piscean vibe often prefers to slip away from. That GP appointment you’ve been lagging on making? A sticky conversation you’ve been avoiding with your best mate? Launching that risky project? It’s all at a breaking point now. 

The common denominator between these (sometimes tricky, but) necessary changes and what Pisces energy strives for is care. When we root our decisions in both self and community care, momentary pains are more easily accepted, and the horizon remains bright. It’s time to rip off that bandaid so that a new type of healing can occur.

Let’s run through some dates we want to pay attention to:

  • Our month begins with a transformational new moon in Pisces on 2 March. New moons draw us inward so that we may start fresh; helping the letting-go process flow. This water new moon is tearful and complex; helping us mourn so that we may suture current emotional wounds. Treat it like a therapy session, and set intentions about how you want to move forward with greater tenderness.
  • 6 March marks both Mars AND Venus moving into eccentric air sign Aquarius. Mars rules our energy levels and how we say ‘no’, while Venus rules our romances and how we claim desire. In Aquarius, these planets meander between unconventional ideas, and experiment with the taboo. Expect the conversation happening with these two influential celestial bodies to shake up what you thought you were after all along, and how you reject people trying to get in your way.
  • Just a few days later, communication planet Mercury moves into Pisces on 9 March where it struggles the most to do its planet-ing. Mercury’s hyper-verbal, analytical tendencies struggle in ethereal Pisces. Prepare to be tongue-tied and doe-eyed, and let your eyes do the translating.
  • The full moon in Virgo arrives on 18 March and crashes into our lives like the encouraging coach we all need (and love/hate). This is when we’re called to get our asses in gear. Make lists, put hard boundaries in place, and expect big decisions to greet you with a crisp knock at the door.
  • Finally, fiery Aries season and the vernal Equinox occurs on 20 March; ushering in a new astrological year, and a more hard-hitting pace. The transition into the Ram’s season brings us motivation and tunnel vision. It’s the perfect boost to help us wrangle the emotions evoked by Pisces season, and plunge ourselves towards balance within our habits and routines.

Through it all, the Pisces season-themed reminders I have for you are that vulnerability is not weakness, and avoidance can only last for so long. Every time you ask a question instead of speaking on a topic you know you have limited knowledge about, the release of ego that you reveal to others dismantles ego within someone else. Shamelessly be the beginning of that cycle. Ideas and queries that are inspired by genuine curiosity and a willingness to release control are imbued with a sense of joy that carries over into what they generate.  

Questions to ask yourself:

  • In what ways do I crave escape, and why?
  • What role do I play in caring for my community?
  • What can I heal on my own, and what type of healing can I only do in conversation with others?
  • What is the difference between interdependence, and codependence?
  • How much quiet do I need in my week to embrace/handle the chaos of life?

With all of this in mind, here are my thoughts for each sign this March.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

What does the evolving image of yourself look like today, Pisces? There’s a difference between humility and doubting yourself, and identifying that delicate discrepancy is a task worth undertaking. 

This month isn’t the time to falter on your perspectives or hold your tongue. This is a time to expand your dreams rather than limit them, making embracing your drive to express yourself (especially in nonverbal forms) is crucial in this month’s sky. Expect a revelation in your relationships arrives midway through it all, and acting on it is imperative. Fight your urge to slip away when you know there’s a harsh reality to face.

Aries & Aries Rising

Are you feeling through what you used to try and power through? Pisces season brings waves of emotion that you feel at your core, Aries. Your tunnel vision and philosophised perspectives can’t always hold up against a good ‘ole fashioned cry. 

Purging is essential in order to help you keep up with the conveyor belt motion of this month’s sky. Practice taking pause instead of moving so quickly that you’re numb to your own pain. 

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Who keeps you grounded, Taurus? As the waters of Pisces season wash over you, it exposes the roots that tether you to reality. Are you building a vision of your future that factors in others? Or are you too scared of people walking away?

Make plans that hinge onto the idea that you’ll be with your community through it all. Have faith in your ability to give and receive collective care. Work on telling people your favourite qualities about them.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Exciting career momentum is co present with a deep sense of obligation that falls in your sky this month, Gemini. March has you moving a mile per minute and it’s hard to pin you down. Is there enough time in your day to enjoy the tendernesses that come with this watery season?

Be wary of your tone when delegating tasks to people in your workplaces. You’re on a mission at the moment, but other people are still finding their footing. 

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Exciting travel plans are here, Cancer. If you haven’t already begun the formulation of your escapes, now is the time to commence the process. Wanderlust finds you this Pisces season, and opens your mind to new experiences and emotional terrains.

Connect with the new places that you go this month. Whether it’s down the road or across the ocean; be sure that you’re present in whatever you’re experiencing. Practice learning new aspects of culture in a non-performative way.

Leo & Leo Rising

Ready to let it all out, Leo? Pisces season rubs up against your fiery nature in frustrating ways this month, bridging the gap between emotions you’re repressing and physical reactions. It’s time to stop ignoring what you know you need to let go of.

Before you leap towards the influx of opportunities coming your way, there’s shadow work to be done. What will give these life-defining moments longevity is clearing your slate before moving forward.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Your partnerships are growing in new, exciting directions this month, Virgo. The creative drive you’ve been developing this year is invigorated by the inspiration your peers bring you. Who is your main partner in crime through it all?

Look for opportunities to turn solo missions into joint ventures. When you’re losing your sense of whimsy, reach out to the people who keep your life fun and open new pathways of thinking.

Libra & Libra Rising

Your body deserves to be treated with care, Libra. Are you tending to both your physical and emotional health at the moment? Pisces season is highlighting what you need to heal in your body, and what is yet to be achieved in your more wholesome, sensual desires. 

Face what you feel in your form, even when it seems like there isn’t time. When in doubt, reset your routines. Treat them like rituals to spellcasting your wellbeing.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising 

New love is blooming for you, Scorpio. What lengths will you go to for lust and romance? Your seductive darkness is eclipsed by a desire for gentle caresses and a soft stare this March. 

Try not to see Pisces season as a test on losing your sense of brooding mystery. Rather, look at it as an opportunity to open yourself up to aspects of attraction that you often relegate to labels like ‘corny’ or ‘bait’.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

It’s time to go home, Sagittarius. Pisces season has nostalgia for the places you’re from growing and flowing out of you. Does this carry a sense of lamenting to it? Or are you excited at the idea of taking a break? 

Embrace moments where you seek quiet rather than surrounding your life with distracting noise. Even though your “escape” button might be pushed at the moment, tethering yourself to your past will reveal important ancestral messages.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising 

The joy of friendship is never something to take advantage of, Capricorn. March is a reminder that you may be an individual powerhouse, but no person is an island. 

You’re growing and flowing through learning from others. Life will forever put you in a student-like position, but it’s up to you whether you take advantage of it. Look for chances to expand your network, as well as learn from people who aren’t always in positions of power.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

March finds you in a tizzie of hustling through projects, and holding your ground, Aquarius. Do you feel like your boundaries are being tested? Knowing what you deserve when it comes to respect in the workplace is crucial right now.

Trust that you know what the overarching ethos of a situation is when you’re picking apart a tricky situation with clients and/or team members. Your gut can be the best compass when logic fails.

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