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Nadia Akingbule

gal-dem horoscopes: Reset the pace of your life this Virgo season

This Virgo season brings clarity, catharsis, and a major astrological event in the skies.

03 Sep 2022

As we settle into the serious tone of Virgo season this September, the meticulous nature of this earth sign’s energy acts as a logical backdrop to what is otherwise a bustling and busy time of year. 

2022’s Virgo season blesses us with opportunities to restructure our lives in ways that place respect and rigour at the top of our list of priorities. There are so many upcoming moments where we’re asked to choose from an endless list of options; from retrogrades wading us through lessons we’ve learned in the past, to Mars in Gemini’s multitasking vibe. Luckily, Virgo season helps us to analyse what’s in front of us with precision and care. When approaching tasks and decision-making through the lens of Virgo-ness, there must be a methodology and reason to what we’re doing. Think about the dutiful diligence you may often undertake as an older sibling, or the soft reality check you give yourself when setting your alarm for the morning.

As you move through Virgo vibes this month, remember not to fuse your feelings about Virgos to a notion of rigidity. In fact, while Virgo rules over our routines and the ritual-esque movements in our lives, this sign’s drive for consistency comes from a desire to be efficient rather than control a narrative. When you present Virgo with a more clear and sensible way forward, resistance isn’t generally on the cards so long as you have a shared goal. The true trickiness of that task comes from conveying this perspective in a way that emphasises truth and reason. That being said, be wary not to try and “rationalise your emotions away” due to this; feeling your feelings is always a must! Simply let Virgo season help you budget time for the breakdowns, the unexpected cathartic moments you need to embrace, and tough conversations. 

“While Virgo rules over our routines and the ritual-esque movements in our lives, this sign’s drive for consistency comes from a desire to be efficient rather than control a narrative”

On 5 September, value-focused Venus moves into Virgo and encourages us to try a more frugal approach when it comes to the objects and materials we bring into our lives. Notice what you need to cut away that arrived through the excess of Leo season. Practice letting go through redistribution. 

The final Mercury retrograde of the year begins on 9 September through air sign Libra! Brace for messiness and tongue-twisters. There’s a poignant emphasis on miscommunication during this retrograde; especially with Mars moving through airy Gemini, too. Release the side of your ego that’s afraid to ask questions for fear of it looking less intelligent. Double check those flight times, give yourself extra time to get to your meetings, and above all, slow down. Retrogrades aren’t something we should fear, but rather use as a means to embody the ways we need slowness. They’re time to reflect and revise the directions we’re going on autopilot. This Mercury retrograde continues into October, so use it to refocus your intentions and remind yourself what the higher meaning of your journey is.

The next day, a melancholic full moon in Pisces blesses our skies on 10 September; bringing us a vital emotional check-in moment which Virgo season may have had you staving off. Tearful moments are abundant during this lunation and there’s a huge emphasis on release. Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, and represents the ineffable culmination of spiritual and cerebral energies that we can’t always put into words. Let yourself cry and dance as you say goodbye.

“Retrogrades aren’t something we should fear, but rather use as a means to embody the ways we need slowness”

The next major astro-event in September happens on the day Libra season begins! On 23 September, the solar season switches into this multifaceted, inquisitive sign just a few hours prior to a Mercury Cazimi occurring at 0 degrees of Libra, too! A Mercury Cazimi is when Mercury and the sun are close as they can possibly be to one another, and Mercury becomes ‘engulfed’ by the rays of the sun. This cosmic moment brings epiphanies in the work we’ve been digging through during Mercury retrograde. In tandem with the Equinox, the justice of it all is coming to light.

25 September brings a fairly loving new moon in Libra to help us reset our intentions amidst the fogginess of the current Mercury retrograde period. With Venus and Pluto bringing an intense and passionate tone to this lunation, there’s a major emphasis on recentering what brings us joy. Sow seeds for new creative beginnings and strokes of inspiration.

Finally, our month rounds off with Venus moving into its home sign of Libra on 29 September! Here, Venus is able to enjoy all of its favourite aspects of indulgence, romances and excess. Let this energy carry over the intentions you set around the new moon, and help you to attract rather than chase after what you’re drawn towards.

With all of this in mind, here are my thoughts for each of the 12 signs this month.

Aries & Aries Rising

Lessons in love are on your mind this month, Aries. Are the spectres from your lost loves resurfacing in strange ways?

Focus on finding your own closure this month. When people are messy or don’t give you the communication you need to move on, try not to fixate on pulling it out of them. Instead, trust in your gut when straight answers aren’t on the table. Your experience is valid, too. This month’s full moon draws you inward into deep reflection, and has you seeking solitude in order to do some much needed processing around what you desire from partnership. The company of your favourite album and a cuddly pet is essential around this time.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Are you longing for your old routine back, Taurus? This month’s skies are edging you to address what’s going on physically, and consider how you could benefit from slowing down.

As one of the most steadfast signs of the Zodiac, it’s essential for you to stay grounded in order to be functioning at top form. When you feed back into yourself, you’re able to show up for your community in more intentional, meaningful ways. This can be difficult as Virgo season’s energies tear through a part of your sky that seeks joy and creative inspiration through the fun you have with others. Be wary of pushing yourself too far in an attempt to milk the remaining weeks of Summer weather for all their worth. This month’s Pisces full moon wants you to find the balance between socialising with others, but being selective of who you offer your energy to.

“When you feed back into yourself, you’re able to show up for your community in more intentional, meaningful ways”

Gemini & Gemini Rising

How do you strike a balance between finding playfulness in your day while also hustling on your career ambitions? Your natural silliness is undergoing an overhaul under this month’s sky.

September feels overwhelming in a good way for you, Gemini. Creative inspiration is around every corner and your work weirdly feels cut out for you. The key to tackling these tasks is not trying to do it all at once. This is especially true when Mercury retrograde rolls around and distracts you with old romances and fiery flings! Are you willing to take a dive back into familiar waters with an old lover, or are you more keen to review what it is you want out of love now? Chances are your desires have changed a lot in the last seven months. This month’s full moon brings you the ‘ah-ha’ moment you’ve wanted in terms of your public reputation. If they involve launching a big project, it may be best to wait until next month after the retrograde.

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

Are you satisfied with the dynamics of equality in your home, Cancer? As a sign that needs your space to be both vibrant and comforting, there might be some power dynamics that need addressing. 

This month calls you towards reflection about all of the iterations of ‘home’ you’ve had; the tumultuous ones, the boring ones. Every configuration has taught you a lesson and added to the tapestry of your emotional maturity. Keeping those lessons in mind is essential as you flurry through qualms and miscommunications with your housemates or partner over this month’s Mercury retrograde. If you live alone, the energy of your space might be in need of adjusting to better cater to the new path that you’re on. The full moon in Pisces puts you in a wanderlusting mood, so try and satisfy it with some nice escapist pleasures. Work towards manifesting your next getaway.

Leo & Leo Rising

Have you been diligent with seeing mates in group settings, but overlooking the one-to-one hangs? Taking a slower pace in your socialising could help you delve deeper into your platonic bonds this month, Leo.

During your season it can be easy for you to flit from one gathering to the next having fun (but often surface level) chats; collecting admirers and acquaintances along the way. But as things get more real for you under the stern gaze of Virgo season, questions around investment and the value of your time crop up. Let Mercury retrograde test the durability of these bonds before welcoming new faces into your close circle. As miscommunications occur within newer friendships, take note of who respects your time and the value of your input. The full moon in Pisces this month asks you to expel anxieties that have been welling up inside you through a release that feels cathartic and cleansing. Howl at the moon.

Virgo & Virgo Rising 

It’s your season, Virgo. Your time to shine has arrived and is steeped in major reckonings with the ways you’ve evolved over the past year. 

This month is helping you to let go of how you’ve previously defined yourself through material matters within your life. What you thought you were working towards hasn’t unfolded in the ways that you thought it would, and that’s okay! The finish line never feels the way we imagined it would. Now is your moment to regroup and reset why you’re striving towards what you’re building, not just hustle without intention. Let your fiscal aims be shaped by individual goals rather than hegemonic ideas of success. The full moon in your opposite sign Pisces brings dramatic and emotional endings to what you’ve been processing in your romantic life. Don’t run from it, Virgo. To embrace this next year of life, you’ve got to process the past.

Libra & Libra Rising

Personal revelations have arrived, Libra. Are you ready to delve into a reckoning with the new ‘you’? September confronts you with moments of growth that stem from introspection about your past.

As a sign whose mind moves a mile a minute, it can be hard to not listen to thoughts that lead you to compare yourself to others; especially folks who you’ve modelled your life around in some way. This month is about recognising the uniqueness of your journey, and not seeing it as weakness. Rather, embrace the slow processing that comes during Mercury’s retrograde through your sign. Take note of how both your physical and emotional presence has changed throughout the years, and what lessons you still feel you’re yet to master. When the full moon in Pisces lights up your sky towards the end of the month, be sure to nourish your physical self without rushing into any permanent changes to your appearance. 

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Ready for a month of release, Scorpio? Mercury’s retrograde through your neighbouring-sign Libra is erupting unresolved business and bringing it into the forefront of your mind.

Avoidance is your enemy this September. Under the Virgo sun, your dreams and community oriented desires underscore the way you communicate and charm others, but blocks from difficult past events could keep getting in the way. Are you ready to put to rest scenarios you thought you could ignore and let dissolve into the ether? Sometimes it takes more than one cycle of asserting boundaries and closing chapters for people to really understand that you stand behind your own word. Be careful not to let spitefulness seep into your words, or waste breath on hatefulness. When the full moon in Pisces rolls around towards the end of the month, step into the most alluring and sexy version of yourself. Celebrate this lunation with lovers and your creative friends.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Are you trying to over-strategise your social life, Sag? September reveals some incongruencies regarding the ‘glue’ of your friendships this month; exposing vulnerable moments where your bonds might need to change.

Assuming you have all of the answers won’t get you very far when trying to move through this period. Clarity is better than trying to theorise people’s emotions away. The feelings of others don’t have to be rational for them to be valid. Putting your ideas on a pedestal is unlikely to guide you down a path of resolution while Mercury is retrograding through justice loving Libra. The full moon in Pisces towards the end of the month welcomes a moment of quiet into your life. Spend it with people who you trust and feel safe with – there’s no point in putting yourself through complex interpersonal dynamics during a time where expressing yourself openly is a priority.

“There’s no point in putting yourself through complex interpersonal dynamics during a time where expressing yourself openly is a priority”

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Do you feel like you’re in a constant battle with time, Capricorn? The frustrations that September brings will only take a true toll if you resist the need to slow down in matters of your public life and career.

Mercury’s retrograde through Libra transits the top of your sky this month and draws you inward to reflect on the intricacies of your work, as well as the outward facing roles you’re (seemingly) responsible for. Take note of the jobs you jump into without being asked to, or ways you naturally absorb a certain level of onus. Is it time to develop better boundaries with the way you jump into helpfulness, or pay closer attention to how you delegate labour? No one can fulfil all of their own needs in solitude, so remember that you’re allowed to call upon your team.  The full moon in Pisces towards the end of the month acts as a celebration of friendship for you, Cap. Dance with the moon with new and old mates. Treat this time as a reminder that you’re not alone.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Are you ready to enter one of your most existential states, Aquarius? Esoterics and questions surrounding the mysteries of the world are constantly at the tip of your tongue this September.

Your month is defined by your drive to look for answers in every corner of the globe that isn’t your home. Wanderlust is at an all time high in your sky, and the places you may be seeking out aren’t always unfamiliar ones. Is there a part of the world that you have unfinished business in? What city is beckoning you? Although Mercury retrograde isn’t making travel easy for you during this time, look at venturing out to find what you’re looking for. The full moon in Pisces on 25 September emphasises what you need to sort out in your fiscal world, and the parts of your work-related life that are coming to a major close.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

What (or who) are you disentangling yourself from, Pisces? September is moving you through major life decisions and confrontations that could feel like a shock to the system. 

This month calls you into awareness of how entanglements, interwoven fiscal situations, and your longest bonds have been impacting your wellbeing. Mercury retrograde is walking you through a rebirth period. During this time, notice who shows up for you when emotional turmoil becomes too difficult to hold on your own. There are folks who you thought lived in your past that are more present in your life now than you realise. The full moon in your sign on 25 September is full of melancholy, manifesting moments, and deep emotion. As you wade through this personal rebirth that’s catalysed by the moon, remember you can always start again. Who you are isn’t static, and people who love you understand that. 

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