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gal-dem’s monthly horoscopes: it’s Cancer season and we’re swimming through all the feels

03 Jul 2019

Illustration by Nadia Akingbule

Given how dramatic Gemini Season was, it’s hard to believe that the cosmic energies could escalate any further; yet here we are on the precipice of a jam-packed Mercury Retrograde Season and Eclipse season! Cancer energy is upon us and there’s not a dull moment in store.

Gemini season whipped and whirled the fabric of my life, cutting it into a completely new cloth that a much younger Marissa could never have imagined they’d experience. In the spirit of this unpredictable air sign, the seemingly “best” and “worst” things all happened all at once in a clattering cacophony of death and rebirth. I said goodbye to a romantic partner (a Gemini, eyeroll) of nearly three years, hello to the immigration status I’d been working hard to receive, and travelled to the dreamy sands of coastal Egypt. 

With my head spinning from such rapid changes and exciting adventures, the first day of Cancer season nearly came and went without me noticing, but the poignant urge I had to take a nap and retreat to the comfort of my bed in the middle of the day alerted me to its arrival.

Cancer energy tells us to nurture first and ask questions later. In the zodiac, Cancer is symbolised by a cautious crab; armed with a tough exterior to protect them from the outside world. While their pincers might look deadly and pack a powerful pinch, they exist mostly as a bluff. Our dearest Cancers are much more likely to scuttle sideways when conflict arises than launch any sort of attack. 

However, that’s not to say that this cardinal water sign isn’t ready to take initiative and fight for what they love! Their approach tends to centre what is felt during conflict rather than adhering to more traditional logic. Cancers are protectors of the home.

So, this Cancer season is all about finding radical softness and locating intuition. Forget holding back tears or running away from extreme emotions. Just let yourself be in your feelings. Listen to a wet playlist that has you sniffling on the tube. Practice embracing and deconstructing your relationship to sensitivity; especially if you’ve felt your relationship to masculinity suppresses your ability to convey emotions.

This Cancer season is also the plush, pillowy landing to any hard falls we’ll encounter during this combined retrograde and eclipse season will bring. 

Eclipses cause rapid change. They demand attention and bring awareness to areas of our lives that need an overhaul. Mercury retrogrades send us deep into introspection and reflection. Anything you’ve been ignoring or procrastinating on that’s blocking you from achieving your goals isn’t going to fly anymore. Expect the unexpected during this time, as well as messages from people of your past. 

Rest and retreat are on the agenda this Cancer season, but so is revolution. With this in mind, here are my thoughts for each of the 12 signs! 

A gentle reminder to readers – I encourage you to learn your Rising and Moon signs in addition to your Sun sign, and read those predictions as well. Your relationship to the universe is a deep, ancestral one built on all planetary positions when you were born.



Happy solar return, Cancer! The combined New Moon and a solar eclipse in your sign on 2 July has you reeling with potential. When a New Moon in your sign occurs, it’s a beautiful chance at personal revolution and rebirth. You should find yourself on a path that’s more aligned with where you want life to take you. As the solar eclipse infuses causes unpredictable commotion, use the chaos around you as inspiration to dream big. Remember that anything can happen in this lifetime (and others).

When Venus enters your sign the next day on 3 July, your loving nature gets a glowing boost,. This beautiful movement, which shows off your magnetic warmth, feels light and fun, but also gives you a chance to find renewed love for yourself and the sources of pleasure you bring into your life. Ask yourself: How do you cherish others? Have you shown your body the love it deserves lately? Whether it’s as simple as changing your sheets or getting a haircut, no task that contributes to this is too small. 

Mercury is retrograding through your sign this month beginning around 7 July. If you find yourself deep in the corners of your mind you’d normally prefer to keep closed off, try not to judge past versions of yourself. Focus on self-forgiveness, rather than letting past anxieties creep into your future. You know the person you are now is very different to then. Use the Full Moon in Capricorn on 16 July to cleanse unhelpful feelings from the retrograde and spend some time with new friends or lovers whose company you’ve been enjoying.


The Sun in Cancer has you working hard to prepare for your season just around the corner, Leo! With lots of cosmic movement happening in areas of your chart to do with spirituality, the occult, and endings, you can feel a shift happening both deep within you and around your work environments. 

The month kicks off with action-planet Mars entering your sign on 1 July, providing raw energy for you to take initiative in matters of self and unique creative expression. Then, with the eclipses beginning a few days later on 3 July alongside the New Moon in Cancer, you find yourself thinking seriously about how creativity plays a role in your relationship to finances and your career. The arts and creative fields often function within a stressful gig economy that mixes our public identities with brands and institutions. This neoliberal dilemma is an uphill struggle, so spend some time thinking about who you are when the labour you do to sustain yourself falls away and all that’s left is your artistic vision(s) and drive.

When the Full Moon in Capricorn and the Lunar eclipse occurs around 16 July, take stock of the progress you’ve made since January in matters of work. The Mercury Retrograde season will aid in this reflection, and under the influence of Capricorn energy, the Moon should provide a generous push towards a clean slate. Be wary though! Anything can happen during eclipse season, so stay on your toes and listen to your gut when you’re at the office or studio.


It’s time to connect with your community, Virgo! The beginning of July is setting you up to explore and reflect upon your friendships and groups. The New Moon in Cancer and Solar eclipse on 2 July stimulates spontaneous action in these matters, as well as with folx you hold close.

Look out for new people or situation-ships that could crop up with the spontaneous nature of the eclipse season. Eclipses are meant to reroute our lives onto a more aligned path, so don’t ignore people or romances that are put in front of you during this time! Do tread forward with caution, though. When communication planet Mercury begins its retrograde on 7 July and continues on until 2 August, feelings and faces from your past might appear in a chaotic way.

Use the Full Moon and Solar eclipse in Capricorn on 16 July to find a quiet release that brings you joy. The spirit of Cancer season nudges you to take a social media break, treat yourself to a takeaway in bed, or snuggle up with a good book.The super social vibes of early July might not always gel with your love of stillness and crucial alone time, so carve out some respite. There will be plenty of time to catch up with everyone’s summertime buzz when Leo season rolls around later in the month!


You’re ready for a shift in your career, Libra. On 2 July the chaotic eclipse energy starting on the same day as the New Moon in Cancer has all of your attention on how your work, personal projects, and reputation merge together to form such a major area of your life, and whether or not you find enough joy in it. 

“Doing what you love” to sustain yourself is a tricky career discourse to navigate, and not everyone wants (or has the privilege of) loving their job. Now is a great time to ask yourself whether or not the work you’re doing means you are able to maintain the level of happiness you seek and achieve your long term goals. When the introspective Mercury Retrograde begins on 7 July, the cosmos gives you some time to ruminate with these thoughts, and plan out the moves you’d like to make if you feel it’s time for a change. Sort out your resume, send some inquiry emails, and dive into a research phase of planning out what you want.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on 16 July finds you retreating into the calm of your home, and ready to clear out energies that are making your space stagnant. While Mercury Retrograde isn’t the best time for making big decisions, it does allow us to organise, regroup, and sort through our minds and material possessions. Don’t be afraid to throw out old clothes that no longer suit your needs and rearrange the furniture in your room.


Cancer season finds you with your nose deep in a book, Scorpio. There’s nothing like a Mercury Retrograde season influenced by a water sign like Cancer’s energy to get you thinking about how spirituality, systems of knowledge, and politics play a role in your life. 

There’s so much to be said during this time, and the best way to convey the deep thoughts you’re having is through writing. Whether it’s regular journaling or long-winded WhatsApp messages with your bestie, don’t be afraid to work through the more esoteric side of your mind. When lovely Venus enters Cancer on 3 July, it might be time to plan a trip or quick getaway with a lover or friend. The answers seem to come from elsewhere during this time, so venture out of your vast comfort zone, if you can.

When the Full Moon in Capricorn occurs on 16 July, it’s time to make some phone calls and reach out to people you may have accidentally lost touch with! You’re always on the move, Scorpio, so it can be easy to let faraway folx fall by the wayside. Video call an old friend, or even plan a fun reunion during this time. This is also a great energy to settle any conflicts that have been stirring in the background of your life, and put to rest lingering frustrations with friends and peers.


There are lessons to be learned in your deepest bonds and partnerships this month, Sagittarius. When the Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Cancer occur on 2 July, prepare for some of the people you hold closest to surprise you. If these challenges feel uncomfortable or spark the urge for you to run the other direction, take some time to harness Cancer’s energy and sit with those feelings.

Discomfort is never fun, but it brings opportunities for expansion and evolution. As a mutable sign, you’re able to handle more deviance from the norm than you’d expect. The larger retrograde season we’re in (Mercury Retrograde officially begins 7 July) also makes this period great for revisiting partnerships that played significant roles in your career, education or spiritual choices. Reach out to old mentors for guidance when dealing with dilemmas and think about the people who helped you on your journey to where you are today.

When the Full Moon in Capricorn and Solar Eclipse roll around on 16 July, you’re ready to put in work towards manifesting the wealth you need to thrive in this lifetime. Check in on your finances and what you feel connects you to wealth beyond monetary sources of capital. Do you seek more abundance in your love life or companionate ties? Your lucky ruling planet Jupiter is in your sign all year, so ask the universe for what you need liberally!


Cancer is your opposite sign, Capricorn, but you have more in common than you’d think! While this emotional water sign loves deep diving into their feelings, you’d often rather table things in order to get more work done and push through to your goals. But you both share a love of taking initiative with the projects and people you care about. 

This month, although the skies are asking you to approach emotions in ways you’re not always keen to engage with, they’re also asking you to take action in matters of love. Gemini season had you running around keeping tabs on the various people and situations you low-key manage, but now it’s time to cuddle up with your partner(s) and ask them what’s on their mind(s). Has the way you relate to each other changed for the better? Use the combined New Moon in Cancer and Solar Eclipse on 2 July to switch things up, show your partner(s) gratitude, and check in.

The Full Moon in your sign and Lunar Eclipse on 16 July find you ready for changes in your appearance and self expression. Throw away old clothes, and paint your nails the perfect shade of red to remind you of the passion this summer will bring. Even small quotidian acts of grooming and self care can release negative thoughts you may be holding towards your body when intention is placed behind them. Allow yourself to fully step into Cancer season’s  sunshine full of radiance by being unapologetic about yourself and taking up space with your beauty.


It’s time to stretch your body and mind this month, Aquarius. Although Cancer season is jam-packed with unpredictable eclipses on the 2 and 16 July, you’re settling into smooth stability as the sun moves through an area of your chart that rules routine, health and structure.

Love planet Venus enters this territory on 3 July, moving you to treat yourself through embracing daily activities that bring you individual joy. This is a perfect time to start a new group fitness class, cook a delicious meal for yourself and just generally listen to what your body is asking for. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s more sleep, given that it’s Cancer season. This watery sign loves their rest and respite.

Mercury, planet of communication, officially begins to retrograde across the sky on 7 July in Leo, bringing your mind back to past loves and potentially unresolved romances. Be careful not to overthink the feelings they bring up, as thoughts fly through your mind at this time. If you’re going to reach out, ask yourself what you hope to gain from the interaction. The Full Moon in Capricorn on 16 July is a great time for closure, so if you find your fingers itching to send them a text – do it around then!


There’s no chocolate too sweet and no nap too long this Cancer season, dear Pisces. Being a wistful, carefree water sign, you’re no stranger to indulgence and daydreaming, but as the Sun moves through an area of your chart that rules whimsy, romance and playfulness, you’re ready to soak in the summer vibes and bask in the healing energy of fellow ocean-dweller Cancer.

When the New Moon in Cancer occurs on 2 July alongside a Solar Eclipse, think about the type of joy you bring into your life. Pisces have a tendency towards escapist pleasures, but too many put together can send you off to a dimension that no one else can access. Think about how you can bring moderation into your habits, and balance the work you need to get done (boring as it may be) as well as the excitement you lustfully crave.

Mercury begins to retrograde between areas of your chart that rule work and play on 7 July and will continue on until around 2 August. During this time, incubate with new project ideas and draw inspiration from the frivolous fun you’re having with friends and new lovers. The Full Moon in Capricorn and the Lunar Eclipse on 16 July arrives with the intention of reimmersing you into groups and collectives you’re part of with fresh eyes and ears; ready to listen to people’s ideas and political visions for the future. Write down quotes and phrases that inspire you so that you can step into Leo season on 23 July ready to hustle and help!


You’ve got time for your family members this month, Aries. Whether it’s your ascribed or chosen family, Cancer season is pushing you to check in and spend time with the people who grew you. People who nurtured you through hard times and always held space for your fuck-ups. When the New Moon in Cancer arrives on 2 July alongside a Solar Eclipse, welcome people into your home and show the loving, generous side of you that’s always masquerading as a “tough love” mum. Cancer season is begging you to show gratitude and softer emotions! A dinner party might even be the right move so that you can enjoy the company of all your friends and partners together.

Communication planet Mercury goes retrograde on 7 July, between the areas of your sky that rule the home and playful naivety. This retrograde continues until 2 August. Look out for omens to do with children and childhood during this time, especially around the Lunar Eclipse on 16 July. Keep a dream journal and ask your ancestors for clarity in their communication. Eclipses are an especially unpredictable time and with movement happening in ancestral parts of your sky, spiritual messages are likely to be coming through.


You’re chatty and seeking comfort this month, Taurus. As a sign ruled by Venus, you’re no stranger to indulging in the finer things in life; something that comfort-seeking Cancer understands well!

However, there’s lots of action in the sky this Cancer season, which began straight away on 1 July when Mars moved into regal fire sign Leo. This movement should have boosted your energy towards fixing up and embellishing your home. Next up, The New Moon in Cancer occurring alongside a Solar eclipse on 2 July provides you with a spurt of extroversion that might inspire you to call a friend for a long, frivolous chat or take a day trip. Don’t deny this urge, but be careful that it doesn’t interfere with the work you need to get done.

When the Full Moon in Capricorn and Lunar Eclipse roll around on 16 July, it’s time to sort through your mind, as well as the actual books you keep on your shelf! Do some spiritual cleansing of thoughts that are born out of imposter syndrome. Don’t let any of the ones telling you you’re not smart or knowledgeable enough stick around. Release them into the waters of Cancer season, then do a sweep of material texts that you’re no longer connected to at home as well. Deciding which ones make the cut might tell you more about where you’re at than you’d think.


The aftermath of your season is bringing you to practical places, Gemini. As action planet Mars moves into Leo on 1 July, your chattiness and inquisitive nature are amplified by the fire sign’s furious fortitude. Cancer season might be full of emotions, but as an expert communicator, you’re ready to talk through them. You’re also attending to pressing matters of finance and material possessions.

The New Moon in Cancer and Solar Eclipse arrive on 2 July, asking you what objects you need to obtain in order to help move into a higher place of love. Then, your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde on 7 July, pushing you to take a step back from being the go-to person that people rely on for guidance and help. Take this time away from being in the social spotlight as a period to reflect on your long term goals, and deal with some of your own deeper questions and turmoils.

When the Full Moon in Capricorn and the Lunar Eclipse occurs on 16 July, you’re ready to revisit and re-release deep bonds. Whether it’s the passing of a loved one or a past relationship that’s popped up (very much in the spirit of Mercury Retrograde) try not to react too quickly or urgently. Give yourself permission to embrace Cancer energy and sit with your feelings. You might be quick witted, Gemini, but feelings often don’t process in a linear way. Hold space for yourself to do what might look like “regression” and acknowledge it as part of the inevitable healing process.

Read more about Marissa Malik and horoscopes here